How Thyroid Disease Affects Your Eyes

How Thyroid Disease Affects Your Eyes

29 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

An underactive thyroid is also known as hypothyroidism. It can cause fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, constipation, and neck swelling. An overactive thyroid, also called hyperthyroidism, can cause weight loss, sweating, diarrhea, and a fast heart rate. In addition to these signs and symptoms, thyroid disease can also affect your eyes. Here are some signs and symptoms of thyroid disease that may warrant a visit to your eye doctor

Hypothyroidism-Related Eye Signs And Symptoms

An underactive thyroid can cause extremely dry eyes. It can also cause eye redness, irritation, and even vision problems. During your examination, your eye doctor may notice that you have tiny corneal abrasions on your eyes from excessive dryness and from scratching or rubbing your eyes.

Your eye doctor may also notice eye swelling, which can be another sign of hypothyroidism. If your hypothyroidism is not well-managed, it can increase your risk for ulcers on your cornea, cataract formation, and even vision loss.

If you experience dry eyes as a result of a low-functioning thyroid, your eye doctor may prescribe lubricating eye drops to restore ocular moisture, protect your cornea, and keep you more comfortable.

Hyperthyroidism-Related Eye Signs And Symptoms

An overactive thyroid gland can also produce eye symptoms, including excessive tearing, redness, light sensitivity, and burning sensations. The autoimmune disorder known as Graves' disease can cause hyperthyroidism, which leads to the overexpression of thyroid hormones. When this happens, you may develop Graves' ophthalmopathy, which is an eye condition that can cause double vision, a feeling as though there is sand in your eyes, inflamed eyelids, eye pain, and decreased visual acuity.

Another common sign of Graves' ophthalmopathy is bulging eyes, also known as exophthalmos. If you have Graves' ophthalmopathy, your eye doctor may prescribe a special ointment to use to help prevent irritation and dryness. Steroid eye drops and other ocular medications may also be prescribed to decrease inflammation behind your eyes and help decrease ocular bulging. In severe cases of eye bulging, your optometrist may recommend surgery to help reposition your eyes back into their proper placement.

If you have thyroid disease, make sure that you see your primary care physician regularly to monitor your thyroid hormone levels and adjust your medications as needed. In addition, visit your eye doctor on a regular basis for eye examinations so that early abnormalities in your eye health and vision can be diagnosed and treated before they progress.

About Me
Seeing Health Care Like A Professional

As a parent, it isn't always easy to know what to do when one of your little ones get sick. Fortunately, a friend of mine started talking with me about different ways to master health care, and she was able to teach me a few handy tips that helped me to keep my little ones happy and healthy. For example, I learned how to take temperatures more accurately, so that I could tell when to worry and when to ignore a few innocent symptoms. It was really incredible to feel like I had the power to help other people to feel better, and I would never go back to my old way of doing things. Read more about seeing health care like a professional on this blog.
