A Guide On Anorexia Treatment

A Guide On Anorexia Treatment

16 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Anorexia has profound impacts on your body, behavior, mood, weight, and development. All the guilt, anxiety, and apprehension associated with the condition may lead your loved one into severe mental illnesses such as depression. Young people may also experience delayed puberty and slow development, physically and intellectually. If your loved one suffers from this condition, there are several treatment methods. Anorexia treatment involves cooperation between various experts, including dietitians, mental health professionals, and other specialists. This article explores some of the anorexia treatment options available.

Medical Intervention

When your loved one experiences any complication resulting from anorexia, you should consider medication. The best way to prevent complications is to watch out for issues with electrolyte levels, hydration, and gastrointestinal problems. If the patient refuses to eat altogether, doctors use a nasogastric tube that goes through the nose to the stomach. Doctors may also recommend antidepressants and other medications used to treat mental health disorders. You should ensure that your loved one takes these medications as prescribed. 


Acute conditions such as disturbances in the heart's rhythms, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances require close monitoring. Doctors may recommend that your loved one remain under professional care for a few days. Similarly, severe medical conditions may require expert intervention. For example, if the person refuses to eat, mental health experts may provide counseling and viable alternatives as the patient recovers. Some hospitals specialize in treating eating disorders. These clinics may provide day and residential programs depending on the severity of the condition.

Returning to a Healthy Weight

A patient cannot recover from anorexia unless they reach a healthy weight. The first step to watching your weight is to monitor your food intake. Caregivers monitor the number of calories ingested by a patient to ensure that they gain weight. The doctor may also involve a psychologist to help the patient develop habits that will help them gain weight. Weight gain also requires a patient to have a schedule for eating. The meal plan should contain the types of meals, the number of calories, and the recommended interval between meals. It would help if you also involved the family in creating the meal plan. The family should know the special dietary needs and follow the doctor's recommendations. This type of supervision ensures that the patient does not drift back into an anorexic state. The family may also change the food they eat in solidarity with the patient's needs. This type of support helps the patient recover the weight and begin the healing process. 


Anorexia affects both the patient and their family. Doctors may recommend family therapy that encourages the parents, siblings, or friends to make the choices for the patient. The family should not ignore the signs of anorexia. The treatment of anorexia may require an approach that transforms the patient and those closest to them. For example, the family can offer encouraging words, compliments, and other supportive interventions that can sway the patient's opinions. 

Individual therapy is also essential in treating anorexia. The patient undergoes a cognitive behavioral treatment that helps them normalize regular eating habits. This therapy also helps ease the patient's fears about food and weight. 

You can help an anorexic patient by seeking medical intervention, hospitalization, weight gain programs, and therapy. 

About Me
Seeing Health Care Like A Professional

As a parent, it isn't always easy to know what to do when one of your little ones get sick. Fortunately, a friend of mine started talking with me about different ways to master health care, and she was able to teach me a few handy tips that helped me to keep my little ones happy and healthy. For example, I learned how to take temperatures more accurately, so that I could tell when to worry and when to ignore a few innocent symptoms. It was really incredible to feel like I had the power to help other people to feel better, and I would never go back to my old way of doing things. Read more about seeing health care like a professional on this blog.
