Three Things To Consider Before Participating In Paid Medical Research

Three Things To Consider Before Participating In Paid Medical Research

19 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Paid research can be a great option for people hoping for new medical treatments as well as those who are looking for extra ways to make money. Before participating in a paid medical research study, there are a few things you should do first to protect your health and peace of mind.

1. Consult With Your Doctor

If you are going to participate in a research study that looks at different prescriptions or medical treatments, it's a good idea to check with your primary care physician first. He or she can help determine whether the study might result in drug interactions, unwanted side effects, or unsafe impacts on any medical conditions you have. Talk to your doctor about regular checkups throughout the study so you can have an objective, impartial observer. Your doctor may determine that the study is offering great benefits, and he or she can also determine if it's having any negative impacts on your health.

2. Ask About Opting Out

Should you decide at some point during the research study that you no longer want to participate, you'll still want to be compensated for the time you've already given the researchers. Check any contract you sign for an early termination or opt-out clause. If you don't see one, ask for something in writing that states you will still be compensated if you quit the study. This is particularly important if the study begins to have negative impacts on your health.

3. Find Out The Details Of The Study

You'll want to know as much about the study as possible to determine if it is safe for you. Ask about what will be required of you and which ingredients go into any medications you might be asked to take. Some studies use placebos, which are made to look like medications but have no medicinal value. Ask if you will be able to find out after the study if you took the placebo or the actual medication. This will be important to note for your future medical needs. For example, if you have an adverse reaction, you'll want to know that your reaction was to the medication and not a benign ingredient used to create the placebo.

Make sure you read through all documentation provided to you before you sign on to participate in a study. Ask about the compensation rates in advance, and don't hesitate to ask any other questions you might have before you begin the study.

About Me
Seeing Health Care Like A Professional

As a parent, it isn't always easy to know what to do when one of your little ones get sick. Fortunately, a friend of mine started talking with me about different ways to master health care, and she was able to teach me a few handy tips that helped me to keep my little ones happy and healthy. For example, I learned how to take temperatures more accurately, so that I could tell when to worry and when to ignore a few innocent symptoms. It was really incredible to feel like I had the power to help other people to feel better, and I would never go back to my old way of doing things. Read more about seeing health care like a professional on this blog.
