Your Midwife: An Unexpected Ally For Your Emotional Health

Your Midwife: An Unexpected Ally For Your Emotional Health

9 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When a pregnant woman decides to hire a midwife to help her through her pregnancy, she likely expects that she'll get value out of home visits, advice, and even help with the delivery itself. What she might not realize, however, is that her midwife will become a trusted and valuable ally for her emotional health. Being pregnant is an emotional journey as well as a physical one, and your midwife can play the roles of counselor, cheerleader, and even best friend as you approach your due date and continue beyond it. Here are some ways that having a midwife can improve your emotional health while you're pregnant.

Encouragement When It's Needed

Pregnant women can have plenty of happy moments when they're expecting, but they also have their fair share of discouraging times. Whether you're feeling down because your hormones are out of control or you're just coming to grips with the elements in your life that will change when your baby arrives, your midwife will provide you with plenty of encouragement when it's needed. Phone calls can help you to get through these tough times, and you may find that your midwife's sunny disposition is something that rubs off on you during each house visit.

Understanding That You May Not Get Elsewhere

Your family doctor is valuable for a number of reasons when you're pregnant, but it's possible that he or she isn't exactly the cheerleader type. Additionally, you may wish to rely on your husband for encouragement and understanding, but given that he doesn't know what you're going through, he can only help so much. Close friends may be of assistance, but those without children won't necessarily understand you, and others may be too busy with their own lives. You can count on your midwife understanding you. She has been around so many pregnant women, and may have children of her own, that she can relate to your experience.

Support After Birth

Although the birth of your child is a joyous affair, many women suffer through postpartum depression. This depression can range from very mild to highly disruptive, often to the point that you can't get out of bed. One of the best things about arranging care from a midwife is that your relationship with this healthcare professional doesn't end when the baby is born. Your midwife can guide you through the postpartum phase of your life and make it easier for you.

About Me
Seeing Health Care Like A Professional

As a parent, it isn't always easy to know what to do when one of your little ones get sick. Fortunately, a friend of mine started talking with me about different ways to master health care, and she was able to teach me a few handy tips that helped me to keep my little ones happy and healthy. For example, I learned how to take temperatures more accurately, so that I could tell when to worry and when to ignore a few innocent symptoms. It was really incredible to feel like I had the power to help other people to feel better, and I would never go back to my old way of doing things. Read more about seeing health care like a professional on this blog.
